Contemplate . Meditate . Celebrate!
Bali retreat
1 tot 5 november 2018 – at Omunity Bali
1 tot 5 november 2018 – at Omunity Bali
Ready to spend 5 days in a beautiful place in Bali to taste the real Balinese community life? The magic, the smells, the sacrifices, incredibly sweet people, the traditions with their priests and the delicious food, the enormous beauty of the rice fields and the peace that it gives.
In addition, a profound program of breath work, yoga, meditation, contemplation and celebration of life !! Give yourself food for the soul and experience the power of pure simplicity.
We stay in a small community called OmunityBali, run by a Balinese family that makes us familiar with their culture.
A beautiful adventure!
It will be a beautiful and intensive program in which we make a mix between the Balinese traditional rituals that have an empowering effect. And of course my own practices and knowledge that I will share with you.
Bali has mainly humbled me for life, mother earth and the purity of the Balinese people. Bali has beautiful, green nature and rice fields where you spontaneously shoot in meditation when you look at it.
We are heading north and there it is very green and there are powerful waterfalls (nice for your selfies
“The power of Bali has really done something with me, I always come back with renewed inspiration and a sense of happiness. All elements are present and contribute to a deep transformation”.
My dream is to share this feeling through a retreat, in collaboration with ZanZan and Putu (the owners), who will leave you with an unforgettable impression. It will be a week of great exercises, relaxed gathering and pure enjoyment!
€ 775, – including 5 days stay at Omunity Bali, Balinese vegetarian breakfast, lunch and dinner, coffee / tea and everything related to the retreat to excursions and trips.
Exclusive airline tickets from and to Bali, and transport to Omunity Bali.
An airline ticket costs around 600 euro at Skyscanner, sometimes even cheaper.
Additional booking:
Dolphin tour € 16, -,
Balinese traditional palm-leaf reading € 30, –
Single room € 10, – extra p.d. (recommended)
Also take into account pocket money for all the beautiful things you encounter and for a possible longer stay. Bali has so much to offer and if you have the opportunity I would definitely stay longer. I still know some nice places.
There are limited places so I have to know the latest April 1st.
For more info: [email protected] or 06-16813135
The concept for OmunityBali is “living with” and “between” the community and the local population of Sudaji. Join us if you want to experience the real Balinese people and their culture firsthand.
I met ZanZan and his wife Putu in this magical place and there was a direct contact with all kinds of syncronicities. When you hear the story of ZanZan, his passion is his philosophy of life and enormous wisdom and deeply devoted faith, your heart opens automatically. It has touched me enormously and given a sense of coming home in this small community of Sudaji. The reason I organize this retreat is to introduce people to this special place, the magic, the people, their culture and crazy green environment where you fully come to yourself. You really get to know the authentic Bali that brings you directly to your authentic self. Pure and direct from the heart of ZanZan and Putu and a sauce from me.
ZanZan is a passionate individual who radiates ambition and creativity. His inspiration for building Omunity came from his experiences with influential mentors for sustainable tourism, both locally and globally, as well as deep self-introspection and revelations.
With the support of his family and friends, ZanZan undertook intensive 33-day meditation and upon completion of his inner work, he realized that his calling was to focus on the youth and community in Sudaji. One of ZanZan’s gurus, Peter Voss, advised ZanZan to “follow his heart” and to flourish his vision of Omunity. ZanZan does exactly that and develops the basis for Omunity’s vision with the five Cs of [C] ommunity: Create, Concept, Commit, Consistent and Client (Collaboration).
Leslie is a mind, body and soul coach. Because of her intense journey in this life she is experiential expert on several themes. She follows the call of her soul and works with various tools that help her to get the best out of herself and stay connected with her Self. She has been deeply connected since she was a child, did yoga exercises from herself as a child and regularly had spiritual experiences, so she always looked for answers. She got her answers and searching is no longer needed.
The tools that she uses have helped her get closer to herself. She was looking for more effective ways to free herself from the yoke of fears and bears on the road and to master methods, aimed at empowering the soul in a natural way. A way in which everyone can heal himself by focusing and connecting with himself.
As a breath and empowerment coach, she continues her journey alongside working with medicine plants and her love of music (guitar goes along) and yoga.
Breath is life, and that is what she fully experiences and wants to give. Live and connect from your essence!